Polio Plus

By PDG Jim Erickson
D5495 End Polio Now Chair
As of November 20, 2024 the top eight clubs in the District 5495 End Polio Now Champions Award competition are, in order, Peoria North, Sedona Red Rocks, E-Club of the Southwest, Scottsdale North, Mohave Sunrise, Mesa West, Sedona, and Silver Creek (Snowflake, Taylor). Any of these clubs could wind up as the overall winner. For that matter any club could wind up the winner with large enough contributions through the remainder of the Rotary Fiscal Year.
The District Conference this year opens on May 1st. District Governor Michelle will be presenting the End Polio Now Champions Award at the conference. Keep in mind that there is always a delay with Rotary International getting donations posted on their website. Clubs have and individuals should make their contributions to PolioPlus sooner than later.
Now is the time to make a difference in the battle against polio. As of today (November 23, 2024 ) there have been 72 confirmed cases of paralytic polio reported this year, as compared to 11 last year. Pakistan has reported 49 cases and Afghanistan 23 cases. Variant (circulating vaccine derived) polio cases are quite prevalent in Africa.
As a famous Navel commander said many years ago, “Don’t give up the ship.” We can do this!