Submitted by Robert Wertz, Chair
PF Rotary Club Peacebuilders Committee
A Peace Pole sponsored by the Prescott Frontier Rotary Club was dedicated Sept. 21 at the Yavapai College.  The Peace Pole is located adjacent the library entrance from 5 to 7 p.m.
This project represents the realization of a vision held by Nancy Van Pelt. The project presented an opportunity for Yavapai College Art students to develop a sculptural interpretation of a Peace Pole. A rigorous review process resulted in the selection of a truly unique and inspiring version of a Peace Pole.
Following a celebration of the 2020 International Day of Peace, the Prescott Frontier Rotary Club Board approved the formation of a Peacebuilders Committee. Nancy Van Pelt's recommendation to place a Peace Pole in a prominent Prescott public setting was endorsed as the committee’s first priority.
Our proposal for a student-led design competition was enthusiastically endorsed by the Yavapai College (YC) Foundation. A design developed by YC sculpture student, Ron Miller, was approved for fabrication and placement on campus by the Art Department Selection Committee.
One of the project goals is to reinvigorate the YC Rotaract Club which has been dormant since the onset of the pandemic. I am pleased to report the Art Department Chair has expressed his support of a presentation of the Virtual Reality-based peacebuilding program presented during the recent peace symposium. Extra credit will be offered for participation in the program. The program will serve as an introduction to the RI Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Area of Focus as well as the Rotaract Club in general.
A dedication of the Peace Pole sculpture and celebration of the 41st anniversary of the International Day of Peace will be held 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, September 21, 2022. The dedication will take place in the plaza adjacent the library entrance.
“This project represents the realization of a vision held by Nancy Van Pelt. The project presented an opportunity for Yavapai College Art students to develop a sculptural interpretation of a Peace Pole. A rigorous review process resulted in the selection of a truly unique and inspiring version of a Peace Pole,” said Robert Wertz, chair of the Prescott Frontier Rotary Club Peacebuilders Committee.
The sculpture is secured to a 14-inch pedestal that will include a plaque, which prominently features the Rotary Logo and support provided by our foundation.