Dear Rotary member,

Last year, we invited you to participate in a survey to help us learn how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is perceived and experienced by Rotary members around the globe. Thank you for helping Rotary take an important step toward becoming an organization that better embraces the needs and experiences of — and that better offers opportunity to — all of our members and participants.

We were thrilled that so many of you — more than 31,000 members representing clubs all over the world — shared your thoughts and experiences by participating in the survey. Overwhelmingly, you told us that DEI is important to you and that you have a strong desire to make Rotary’s culture more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

You also told us that:
  • Members are invested in making Rotary a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization in order to grow our membership and increase our impact.
  • Rotary’s current DEI policies and procedures vary by region, leading to inconsistent and inequitable experiences.
  • Members don’t have enough information or insight about our efforts to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. We discovered a lack of awareness about our DEI commitment statement, training courses, and webpage.
  • More than 25% of the survey respondents said they don’t know how to report discrimination or harassment at Rotary. Some members also noted the lack of a central place to report, collect, or address instances of this behavior. Members said some incidents go unreported and some inappropriate behavior incurs no consequences.
  • More than 30% of the survey respondents said they don’t believe that Rotary leaders are actively promoting DEI. Members said they don’t see Rotary leaders being held accountable, and they don’t believe those leaders uniformly apply or uphold Rotary’s DEI principles.
  • Members believe that leadership opportunities are limited for anyone who doesn’t fit the traditional profile of a Rotary leader. They said members who don’t look or behave in a certain way or have the “right” Rotary résumé don’t have the same opportunities to advance.
  • The cost of joining Rotary remains an obstacle to retaining members, attracting new ones, and accurately representing our communities. When we welcome only those with financial means, we exclude community members who want to make a difference but can’t afford to join.
  • Younger members, particularly Rotaractors, said they don’t have a pathway to leadership and aren’t offered meaningful opportunities to get involved, showcase their ideas, or take part in making decisions because of their age or perceived lack of experience.
What’s next?
The survey findings were very insightful and were used to create a plan that ensures that our commitment to DEI is reflected throughout the organization, in everything we do. You can read more about this plan at

What we say and how we behave matter. While we know that free expression is important, we must take responsibility for how our words and actions may affect others. This is why the Board approved a new DEI Code of Conduct that outlines how Rotary members can contribute to creating and maintaining an environment that is collaborative, positive, and healthy for everyone.

We have also introduced a process for members to address issues related to DEI. In cases where a discussion is not possible, or where the situation involves someone in a leadership role or from a different club, members can contact . Rotary staff will review the information and follow up appropriately.

Our efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical to the future of Rotary. Data from the private sector consistently demonstrates that companies that prioritize an open, welcoming environment for everyone are more highly regarded and more profitable. To grow Rotary and become a more dynamic organization, we must take DEI seriously. And thanks to you, we are doing that.

We want to continue to engage with you about our ongoing DEI efforts. If you do not want to receive further information about DEI from us, you can use this link to unsubscribe from future email communications about this topic.

Thank you again for your support.

Valarie Wafer

Chair, DEI Task Force

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